“I joined this group [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”] thinking it had to do with ‘crunchy’ parenting. Little did I know, I’d be having a boy later that year. I certainly would have circumcised my son had I not learned what I did from this group/page.” - Ashley

“Literally within seconds of announcing my baby's gender on Facebook, my friend Hollie sent me the link to Your Whole Baby, and I'm EVER SO grateful she did! I look at my sweet boy now and I can't imagine putting him through that trauma.” - Beth

“Your Whole Baby changed my life. I educated myself on the truth behind the many benefits of leaving our children whole and perfect just the way they were born. Thank you, Your Whole Baby. You've impacted my life so much in the best of ways!” - Rachel

“Before Your Whole Baby: ‘Why wouldn't I? Isn't it what everyone does?’ After Your Whole Baby: ‘Why would you EVER? I could never do that to my perfect boy.’” - Christine

“The website helped me to make an informed choice about my baby's health. I'll never be able to say ‘thank you’ enough for saving my son.” - Heather

“I always had known deep down that I was not going to circumcise my son, as I have always felt very strongly about bodily autonomy. It wasn’t until we brought him home that I realized I had no idea how to clean an intact penis! I stumbled upon Your Whole Baby and not only found intact care instructions, but found out I was anything but alone!” - Amber

“The stories I read and resources I found in this group [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”] helped my husband and I decide to keep our son whole. We broke the cycle with our perfect whole boy. Thank you, Your Whole Baby!” - Emily

“After researching on Your Whole Baby it became crystal clear there was nothing wrong with my newborn baby boy. Nothing needed to be 'fixed' or taken away. He was perfectly whole.” - Jenna

“I did research as a result of my son having a ‘short foreskin’. I found Your Whole Baby because I was looking for what that meant and how to circumcise him. Wow, am I thankful for his ‘short foreskin’! Not knowing anything about the procedure is the worst thing ever. We do so much research, and a circumcision video should be required. - Christine

“A friend shared a post from Your Whole Baby with a link to this group [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”], so I decided to check it out. I am so thankful I did, as I learned a ton that I had been very misinformed and uneducated about when I regretfully made the decision to circumcise my first son. Due to the knowledge I gained through YWB and the support I've received, I am happy to say my last baby was left intact and is now a very happy whole boy. I am so grateful for such an amazing and supportive resource.” - Stefani

“I was uneducated about circumcision, but after reading one regret story somewhere, I knew I didn't want to. Joining [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”] not only made me 110% sure I wouldn't let that happen to my baby, but it also gave me tools to help me convince my (circumcised) husband to understand and be on my side.” - Alyssa

“I had commented on a video regarding circumcision when a very sweet friend of mine added me to this group [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”]. After reading the horrible stories of regret moms and the possibilities of complications I decided against it. I’m the first of my two sisters to have a boy and had no clue how to even take care of a boy. Thankfully when having this conversation with my intact husband, he was on board with keeping our little one intact as well. My husband also filled me in on the pros of keeping our son intact which in turn made me happier with my decision.” - Ashley

“Your Whole Baby helped me choose to leave my son whole. Learning facts and other statistics about circumcision helped me choose the right decision for my baby and taught me how to advocate against genital mutilation.” - Taylor

“I posted about not knowing how to make the decision. Someone posted the link to Your Whole Baby and it helped me decide.” - Taylor

“Your Whole Baby not only led me to the decision to leave my son intact, but also gave me confidence in my decision to explain to others why I made this decision. It provided me with the needed resources to give to my husband, who came to the same conclusion as well. My son is perfectly whole thanks to your Facebook page and YourWholeBaby.org.” - Karen

“The Your Whole Baby website has taught me a lot and led me to make the right decision for my son! Before I found it, I thought circumcision had to be done and was normal, but boy was I wrong! This website, my friend, and fiancé helped me understand the truth about circumcision and why it's so harmful and unnecessary. Thankfully our son is whole because of all of that and any future babies will be too!” - Michelle

“I was very confused as to whether or not to leave my son intact. I came across this group [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”] and asked for advice. People were kind and gave their honest feedback. There were a few comments that said it’s just something I have to decide for myself along with my husband. At first I was annoyed with those types of comments because I was truly looking for someone to just tell me what to do. My husband said “let’s do it” and I said so, too. But when I really started digging into this group and reading other posts, I changed my mind. I told my husband, “How can we just cut him? He will be fine and if he has issues later he can decide for himself.”

“My husband wasn’t convinced. It wasn’t until he was born that my husband said, “Okay, he’s been through enough. Let’s leave him.” Of course I wasn’t gonna let them touch him regardless. Because of this group [Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning”] I knew better. And those comments about having to decide for myself were completely true. It is something you have to decide on your own. No one can tell you. I’m completely 100% satisfied with my decision. Do the research and you’ll know why I and a million others decided to leave our sons intact. (Look at that. I no longer use uncircumcised and circumcised!)” - Christina

“I was super confused about what to do, mainly because I told myself, "If I won't circumcise a baby girl, why should I do it to a boy? I feel like God knew what he was doing when S/he made my son's body". Part of my research included watching circumcision videos on YouTube (that made me sad, angry, hurt...that's putting a baby through too much). I continued doing my research and talked to my Doctor and nurse friends. I was still confused because everyone had an opinion. Then I stumbled across this page in one of the "mummy" pages I follow. Best thing ever! I learned more about why I should keep my baby intact... and it made me comfortable and feel normal to know that I wasn't alone. Basically, this page just stamped on what I already knew but I guess needed "validation". Might I mention here how grateful I am for this page as a whole.” - Amohelang

“Your Whole Baby solidified my instinctual urge to keep my baby intact and protect him from an unnecessary surgical procedure. I am so thankful that I stumbled across this helpful and supportive community.”  - Rebekah
