Circumcision Regret Moms Speak Out

Circumcision Regret Moms Speak Out

I watched the procedure in horror, and have never let another person make decisions for my children other than me. Everyday I think of the pain he suffered. Now I hold my perfect and intact baby boy desperately wishing I could make it all better with my oldest son.

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Shouldn't They Match? Help For Parents With Circumcised Kid(s) Facing The Decision Again

Shouldn't They Match? Help For Parents With Circumcised Kid(s) Facing The Decision Again

Let’s set the scene. You have one or more children who were circumcised before you questioned the procedure. Maybe you regret putting them through that pain and/or have started to feel badly about doing it at all. You’re jumping in feet first to learn more and arm yourself with information. Now you’re pregnant and you have to make the decision again. Suddenly, a question creeps into your inner dialog from the recesses of your mind: Won’t this child feel left out? Maybe I should circumcise this one too since it’s the ‘norm’ for our family…

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