The History of Circumcision 

The History of Male Circumcision (ICIFP)
TIMELINE. "1832... Claude-Francois Lallemand circumcises a patient to cure him from nocturnal seminal emissions."

The Bizarre History of Circumcision (Medium) “Sayre cured the boy of his paralysis and then got a little giddy. If cutting the foreskin could cure paralysis, what else could it cure? It wasn’t long before Sayre promoted circumcision to reduce rates of syphilis, bladder inflammation, spinal anemia, clubbed foot, tuberculosis, and insanity. If your foot is mangled…your misshapen penis is to blame. Or so the logic went.”

Dr. Kellogg's Prescription (The History of Circumcision)
"A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis.  The operation should be performed without administering an anaesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind,.."

Circumcision in the USA (The History of Circumcision) 
"In the United States circumcision emerged at the same time as in Britain and for much the same reasons: hostility to masturbation, delusions about congenital phimosis, fear of diseases like syphilis and cancer."