5 Issues You Might Have To Overcome Before Choosing Not To Circumcise

5 Issues You Might Have To Overcome Before Choosing Not To Circumcise

You’re also going to have to know, really KNOW, that your child is not going to be a social pariah or a 40-year-old virgin because they have their foreskin. How do you know this without actually knowing it? Because you will teach your kid to love and appreciate their whole body, just as you love and appreciate your whole body. And you might worry, What culturally-conditioned foreskin-phobic American will love my child with a natural penis? The answer? The kind of person you would want to love your child: someone who isn’t afraid to go against the grain, who seeks knowledge and is open to new information, who wants to experience the pleasure that foreskin will bring, who will love every inch of your grown child’s whole body, and will want to leave your future grand-babies whole and perfect, too.

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'I am not a doctor': YWB founder Jen Williams on what it takes to protect kids

'I am not a doctor': YWB founder Jen Williams on what it takes to protect kids

I am not a doctor and I shouldn’t need to know this much about the human penis, but as long as children are being painfully, needlessly, and permanently injured every day, I will do what is in my power to help protect their bodies. You are not a doctor either, but you may be your child’s only advocate. Please, educate yourself so that you can protect your child from forced retraction of the foreskin.

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Looking For Unbiased Resources on Circumcision? They're Harder To Find Than You'd Think

Looking For Unbiased Resources on Circumcision? They're Harder To Find Than You'd Think

People in the U.S. approaching the topic of circumcision for the first time are often looking for unbiased resources — materials that don't seem fanatical and do clearly lay out both the risks and benefits of the procedure. Armed with such resources, expectant parents believe they can make an informed choice and feel confident about it, regardless of whether they decide to leave their child intact, or opt for circumcision. There's just one issue with the seeking of unbiased sources: they don't exist. Particularly on topics deeply rooted in our cultural psyche and thus controversial, like circumcision.

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Don't Fear The Foreskin

Don't Fear The Foreskin

Most of the adults in the world have foreskin and are quite happy with its associated benefits. While the majority of current adult males in the United States were circumcised at birth, you can find many happily intact men in the U.S., as well.

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Dad's 2nd Son Stays Intact..."I Stopped Hiding From My Feelings"

Dad's 2nd Son Stays Intact..."I Stopped Hiding From My Feelings"

I bullied and convinced my wife to cut our oldest child without any factual reasons.

While in that room, I witnessed first-hand a total of five circumcisions. Seeing how those boys reacted and changed was just heartbreaking. I knew in my heart and mind that it wasn't right, but still continued pushing my reasons for getting it done.

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THE WEDGE: Relationship Strain From Circumcision Decision

THE WEDGE: Relationship Strain From Circumcision Decision

But there's one topic here in America that seems to drive a wedge between husband and wife that rocks at least one of you to the core.

That wedge? Circumcision.

She's against it, but you want it done. You tell yourself that she's going to just have to get over it. Your son is getting circumcised. End of discussion. (or is it?)

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5 Tips for Navigating "The Talk" (About Circumcision) With Friends & Strangers

5 Tips for Navigating "The Talk" (About Circumcision) With Friends & Strangers

My heart races, my face flushes. I can feel the adrenaline pouring into my system, typing into my phone the words, “You don’t have to do it.” My shoulders are tense and my thumbs poised, waiting for the reply:

“It’s cleaner tho. What about infections?”

HOW to talk to the people you love about circumcision, and WHY you should.

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