Screenshots of Sadness After Circumcision

Screenshots of Sadness After Circumcision

You can find social media posts like this almost daily, from parents who just had a child cut, using search terms related to “circumcision.” Most of the world does not cut the foreskins off of their babies. We must do better to protect children from harm.

Note: Because social media posts like this are common, we’ll update this blog post periodically with new screenshots.

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A Regret Parent's Communication Guide, From A Circumcised Son

A Regret Parent's Communication Guide, From A Circumcised Son

One of the most difficult parts of being circumcised is the mental and emotional damage. Though it won’t be easy, you need to tell your son the truth. You need to tell him what happened to his body, you need to explain everything to him, and you need to be supportive.

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My Promise: After Twins' Circumcision Complications, Mom Shares Truth

My Promise: After Twins' Circumcision Complications, Mom Shares Truth

I’ll never know exactly what happened in the nursery that day. I thought that my little boys were sleeping when they came back. Now I know that they were in shock from the horrible pain I put them through. The nurse came in to show me what to look for in circumcision aftercare. The gauze was stuck to one of the boys’ bloodied penises. She pulled it off, hard, and my son started screaming. Over his cries, she shouted the aftercare instructions.

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ONE MOM'S LETTER To The Doctor Who Cut Her Son

ONE MOM'S LETTER To The Doctor Who Cut Her Son

I am writing to you on behalf of my 3-year-old son. He has always been a blessing to my husband and me. Since the day we found out he was coming, we were ecstatic to be welcoming another addition to our family. He was born PERFECT on Aug. 19, 2012. The reason I am writing to you is because on Aug. 20, my perfect baby boy was taken from my hospital room, strapped down, and mutilated surgically for NO REASON at all other than the pure ignorance of our society. I was misinformed on the “benefits” of circumcision and was not fully informed of the risks of this unnecessary procedure.

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You took too much. You didn't leave me with enough skin to cover my penile shaft. The result was that my earliest memories of experiencing erections as a child are memories of severe, prolonged pain. By the time I reached adolescence, the lack of skin caused my penis to develop a sharp bend, which I would later find would make intercourse very difficult. At some point my scrotal and pubic skin compensated for the lack of penile shaft skin. The result is that I now grow thick pubic hair all the way up to the scar you left me.

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Mom And Dad, It's Time To Understand What Circumcision Did To Me

Mom And Dad, It's Time To Understand What Circumcision Did To Me

Hi Mom and Dad! It’s your 21-year-old son! The son you lovingly cared for as he grew out of infancy, watching him gain independence, make mature decisions, and turn into the handsome man you see when you close your eyes and picture him smiling. And finally, now, the son you are ready to let go of in a broader sense...poised to make my big transition into the adult world, where from now on I am fully the product of my own decisions.

As parents you have always wanted to protect me the very best you could: yearly physicals, six-month dental checkups, eye exams... It seems as if our culture has the general instruction manual laid out for you. One culturally taboo part of this American parenting manual, though, is flawed and outdated.

When I was born, it seemed as if you had a decision to make: whether to circumcise me or not.

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Meatal Stenosis is a Circumcision Complication. Were You Told?

Meatal Stenosis is a Circumcision Complication. Were You Told?

Does your child have it? Do you know what it is? I'd never heard of it until I started learning about the harms of infant circumcision — far too late, I might add, to protect my son. Meatal stenosis is a urethral stricture disease caused by circumcision. Because its protective foreskin has been removed, the urinary meatus (pee hole) at the tip of the glans (head) of a circumcised penis can develop inflammation and scar tissue and become abnormally narrow.

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Circumcision: The Untold American Story

Circumcision: The Untold American Story

The United States needs to protect the rights and decisions of the individual and not allow parents to treat children as objects. Cutting healthy body parts off is not parenting, and it’s not medicine — it’s mutilation. There is no reason not to wait and let children decide what they want when they have matured. Most of the rest of the world understands and respects children’s right to a natural and whole body. Why is it so hard for the U.S. to understand that? 

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From Finland: Circumcised Sex Hurts!

From Finland: Circumcised Sex Hurts!

I was very sad to see he didn't have his foreskin, which is absolutely the best part! I had no idea how I could please him. It was too difficult without the foreskin, and I kept thinking his penis felt incomplete. He was so rough that it almost hurt. I guess the roughness was due to the fact that he had lost so much sensitivity. Each time we had sex this happened. With intact partners, I have never experienced pain during sex. I did not want to have sex with him anymore, and eventually I did not want to see him anymore. I knew I couldn't be in a relationship like this.

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Parents' Heartbreaking Stories of Breastfeeding After Circumcision

Parents' Heartbreaking Stories of Breastfeeding After Circumcision

One completely avoidable obstacle that often stands in the way of new baby bliss and feeding success in particular is circumcision. Individual babies can react differently to the trauma of genital surgery. Many have problems in the hours, days, and even months afterward, and these problems have the potential to derail a nursing relationship.

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"It's like going from seeing in color to seeing in black and white" — Circumcised as an Adult

"It's like going from seeing in color to seeing in black and white" — Circumcised as an Adult

I was intact for the first 15 years of my life, during two of which I was sexually active. I used to have so much sensation, performing four to five times a day. At 17 years old, just a couple of years after being circumcised*, it lessened to once a day. Then, at 20, I started having trouble getting or sustaining an erection. I was diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. It wasn't until I had my second son in my late 20s that I started to look into the effects of circumcision and began to realize why I was having so many issues. Around age 30, I decided to give restoration a try. 

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