Screenshots of Sadness After Circumcision

Screenshots of Sadness After Circumcision

You can find social media posts like this almost daily, from parents who just had a child cut, using search terms related to “circumcision.” Most of the world does not cut the foreskins off of their babies. We must do better to protect children from harm.

Note: Because social media posts like this are common, we’ll update this blog post periodically with new screenshots.

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Circumcision: The Untold American Story

Circumcision: The Untold American Story

The United States needs to protect the rights and decisions of the individual and not allow parents to treat children as objects. Cutting healthy body parts off is not parenting, and it’s not medicine — it’s mutilation. There is no reason not to wait and let children decide what they want when they have matured. Most of the rest of the world understands and respects children’s right to a natural and whole body. Why is it so hard for the U.S. to understand that? 

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My Parents Gave Their Consent — Circumcision Rage & Grief

My Parents Gave Their Consent — Circumcision Rage & Grief

A profound sense of loss will always be with me. I consider my circumcision fully responsible for causing my anxiety disorder…My loss of sensitivity after age 40 is an emphatic fact that cannot be argued. I still think I got off lucky compared to those who had even more penile skin taken, or worse. Some lose the whole body part. Some get infected. Some infants die from this cosmetic procedure.

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