Screenshots of Sadness After Circumcision

Screenshots of Sadness After Circumcision

You can find social media posts like this almost daily, from parents who just had a child cut, using search terms related to “circumcision.” Most of the world does not cut the foreskins off of their babies. We must do better to protect children from harm.

Note: Because social media posts like this are common, we’ll update this blog post periodically with new screenshots.

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'He Slept Right Through It.' They Lied to Me.

'He Slept Right Through It.' They Lied to Me.

When they handed him to me after circumcision, my heart dropped. He didn't have the same sweet expression on his face anymore. No, now he was red, he looked exhausted and sad. What did I do to him? I tried to nurse him, but he couldn't. He had fought too hard. So I went to change his tiny newborn diaper for the very first time and nothing could have ever prepared me for what followed.

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